With over 700 posts, bring joy has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, eat more healthfully, be a better spouse or parent, exercise more, or get out of debt, chances are you’ll find something to help you out.
Here’s a round-up of some of the all-time faves.
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recommended resources
some of my fave products & services
all vegan + gluten-free
check out my index for the full list of my recipes
the best carrot cake
one of my all-time favorite desserts
thai quinoa salad
combines my favorite flavors with one of my favorite foods
buttermilk pancakes & buckwheat buttermilk pancakes
no crazy ingredients, delicious fluffy pancakes
breakfast crepes
only four ingredients!
is a vegan diet healthy long term?
yes, it can be great for weight loss, reversing diabetes, heart disease–but what about long term?
why I went vegan
why I decided to make the plant-based jump in 2006
vegan & mormon, an anomaly?
being vegan, from a practicing Mormon’s (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) point of view
I wanna be rich, here’s why
the love of money may be the root of all evil, but money does make the world go round
how to create an abundance mindset, no matter your income
when you’re tight on money it’s easy to go down the scarcity mentality path–don’t do it
get on the debt-free boat
in fall of 2012, we start the get-out-of-debt process
why we’re not doing the Dave Ramsey plan
how John McDougall & Dave Ramsey are alike
debt snowball update
September 2014–how we’re doing on paying down our debt
35 ways to save thousands of dollars each year
little & big ways to save in the margins of life
7 ways to save on groceries each month
your groceries can be one of your biggest expenses each month–learn how to trim your food budget
light through water: summer recap
summer 2014 was a long one
looking back, looking ahead
a reflection on a major life milestone & eight years of marriage
how to raise an independent child
tips for raising a responsible, independent critical thinker
and, life changes in an instant
my experience with witnessing a drowned boy come back to life
10 reasons to teach the love of reading
creating a literacy rich home starts with this basic premise: kids should learn to love reading
love: 10 years of it
my husband is a romantic, & here’s the email to prove it
let’s talk about, ahem, the importance of sex
I‘m blushing
frugal dates, & why you should date your husband
reignite the flame–date your spouse
dear first time mom, what five pregnancies has taught me
after five pregnancies, I’ve learned a thing or two
dear new blogger: 13 things I wish I’d known sooner
a retrospective on 5 years of blogging
weight loss
my weight loss journey after baby #5
I gained nearly 60 pounds of fat with baby #5–follow my weight loss journey
my free workouts without equipment
over a dozen videos, ranging in 4-20 minutes in length
Pilates, kickboxing, yoga, interval training, toning, abs
my top 5 fave workout DVD’s
the best workout DVD’s for overall fitness & weight loss
tips for frugal fitness
it doesn’t have to cost a lot to stay in shape
thoughts on turning 30
50+ fave books, podcasts, movies, etc.
I share some of my favorite books, movies, magazines, podcasts, & other forms of media.
body image
a rather pivotal turning point in how I view my womanly curves
is it possible to lose weight without resorting to disordered eating?
in response to a reader’s concern that I was turning back on my curves post