I’m at the annual BlogHer Food conference in Seattle.
Have you ever been to Seattle? It’s gorgeous. Aside from the rain & traffic, I’m in love with the place. Green, surrounded by water & that fresh, almost mountain-like air. It’s a naturally hip place (& so vegan friendly, but more on that later).
I want to share some photos from yesterday. But first. You know what I don’t like? When people just post pictures on Facebook, their blog, or wherever, of themselves & say in not so many words: this is me and look how much fun I’m having. It can get kinda braggy, & who likes a bragger? I hate that. I’ll try not to do that.
I just want to show you some pics from yesterday of some of the things I did. I’ve never been to a blogging conference before & chances are, you haven’t either, so it’s highly likely you’re as clueless as I was about what a blogging conference is.
Some things came as a surprise (wow, people are really nice. everyone I met I felt like saying, let’s go back some cookies together, or something) & some things I’ve thought a little ironic. Like how they sorta ran out of food for lunch, so I went away hungry. At a food conference!
But to be fair, all in all, despite the sleep deprivation, so far: I’ve made a BFF (see below) & had a chance to reflect on the awesomeness that are people (is that even grammatically correct?).
These first two pictures prove that in fact, I am at a food bloggers conference.
Um, glad to know I’m not the only obsessive one who has to compulsively take pictures of what I eat.
It’s a problem, but what can you do? The food is just begging for it’s picture to be taken, ya know?
They provided breakfast & lunch. Since we all care about how our food looks, they took extra care to put flowers in the gazpacho. Flowers. How nice of them.
Vegan cupcakes?! Yes. Unfortunately, not gluten-free as well. There were some gluten-free muffins but they were not vegan. So, do I choose the non-gluten-free vegan cupcake or the gluten-free, non-vegan muffin?
This girl has food sensitivities to dairy, soy, grains (yes, all of them), & cane sugar. She makes funny videos. And she’s nice. She gave me some wicked awesome delicious grain-free almond flour raisin bread (whew! that’s a lot to say to describe one little loaf of bread) that she made herself. I even had seconds.
A little vegan dig that my new BFF, Erin (we met yesterday) & I were going to go to. We made reservations. They said: “It’ll be a 15 minute wait. Do you want to walk around & we’ll call you when we’re ready for you?”
Bad idea on their part. We started walking around & looked into the windows of this place:
And thought: we must go there. They have fancy looking Asian things. I tell ya, I’m a sucker for good food presentation. So we canceled our reservations at the other place–I really was excited to try the food there–& ate at the Boom Noodle.
We ordered spring rolls with a spicy chili dipping sauce, sweet potato chips & mashed edamame (think guacamole) for starters.
The waiting area of the restaurant. Those Seattle people. Always having to make everything so artsy & modern.
Erin ordered mizuna salad (kambucha squash, lima beans, cucumbers, tofu, among other good things) & I ordered the vegan Pho that included a generous helping of fresh bean sprouts, lime, & cilantro.
Erin & I are both newbies to this conference thing. She was right before me in the registration line. We started talking & figured we should stick together. She likes baking, lives in Portland, & is an accountant by day.
After dinner I took a cab (a totally foreign experience for me) to Safeco stadium & met up with my cousin Melissa & her husband Monico to watch the Mariner’s game.
I may be smiling in this picture, but I was freezing! Yes it’s June, but that doesn’t mean a thing in Seattle. It’s been cold, cold, cold & I’m the dummy who brought shorts & sandles & no jacket. Lucky for me, Melissa did let me wear some Mariner’s pariphenela so I could pretend like I knew what was going on (I don’t know a thing about baseball, in fact this was my first ever professional game). Home runs? Strikes? A ball & a bat? Innings? I think that about covers the extent of my baseball know-how.
The game ended with a no-hitter. Apparently, broke all the records. For what, I’m still not quite sure I understand, but I know it was a good thing because everyone was cheering.
For those of you sports fanatics reading who are disgusted with my sports knowledge ineptitude, I apologize. But sheesh, a woman can’t know everything.
Coming up: more on the the blogging conference, Day 2 in next post including what do people do at a food blogging conference? Because I know you are dying to know.