A blog that will change my life (and maybe yours too).

Ice cream. Sweet, creamy delight. On a cake, next to a pie, in a cone, I don’t care! I will eat it.

I used to eat this stuff daily, for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

I still eat it (although less frequently) and love it, but now I’ve replaced my cholesterol/lactose/casein protein/saturated fat/hormone laden dairy ice cream with some happier and more healthful versions.

I found this blog and I am convinced it will change my life. One of the struggles I’ve had since we discovered tree nut allergies in our family is what to do about my favorite ice cream recipes which call for cashews. Well, I must be doing something right to stumble upon these recipes because they are all cashew-free.

Which brings me to my next piece of excitement.

J, my hubby, bought me an ice cream maker for my birthday. There are very few (food) things I love in this world besides ice cream. Sweet, creamy, cold, and so many varieties to choose from, so many ways to eat it. And one of the many sad misconceptions about becoming vegan is that you must give up ice cream. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of being restricted with only one type of ice cream (from cow’s milk), your world is opened to endless options made from coconut, soy, rice, almond, oat, and other plant based milks. It’s true, not all vegan ice creams are what I would call “healthful” but are definitely a better option than dairy versions, if you ask me and so much more satisfying because they don’t leave you feeling “eck.”

Mostly I make homemade ice creams, but on occasion I do splurge and buy some storebought stuff which can be quite delightful. A favorite brand of vegan ice cream is So Delicious (especially the fruit sweetened kind; my favorite flavor is carob spearmint); it’s made out of organic soybeans and comes in full-fat and low-fat varieties. There are some good rice cream varieties out there made out of rice milk but I tend to prefer the taste of soy ice cream.

One of my favorite ways to make ice cream is in my champion juicer: just take frozen bananas and put them through the juicer with the blank plate and out comes this creamy frozen delicacy that is the consistency of soft-serve frozen yogurt and has a lovely sweet bananee taste to it. Love, love, love this stuff.

Needless to say I’m going to try out one of the recipes from the vegan ice cream blog tonight with my kids and if you’re lucky I might share some with you (via pictures, of course)!
