Why the big smile, you ask?
I lost all my “baby weight,” which gives me reason to celebrate! Woohoo!
Last post I mentioned I’d share some “before” and “after” pics.
Here’s the deal. I’m kinda a modest person. What I mean is, I’m not the kind of gal who wears bikinis, short shorts, shows cleavage, ect. It’s just not my style.
Further, the last thing I want to do when I feel plumpish (like every time right after I have a baby), is take a picture of myself in all my chubby glory. I’m telling you this, because my “before” pic below is kinda lame. But you can (hopefully) tell the difference between the two pics (I have a few more I want to share, but I’ll save those for later).
3 days afterbirth: 30 lbs. later/lighter,
approximately 5 months post-partum:
So you ready to hear my “secret”? I lost the weight all the while maintaining a healthy milk supply.
I didn’t take diet pills. I didn’t do a juice fast/cleanse. I didn’t do anything “crazy.”
Well here it is: good ol’ fashion calorie dilution. I want to tell you all about it, but I’m afraid I’ll have to do so in bits and pieces over the next few posts.
In the meantime, here’s another “after” pic..
MOTHERHOOD: The best kind of workout