The best kinds of things

In my mailbox today I found:

a credit card offer,
this week’s edition of the New Yorker,
& a package.

You know how rare it is to get anything personal in mail these days, so you know how excited I was to receive such a tasty morsel.

Giddy, I ran inside the house, & (carefully) ripped open the package.

It was a birthday package from my friend Joy.

With a handwritten note!

I savored each beautifully written line.

(Isn’t her cursive gorgeous?)

A book,

& a journal, too.

 It’s funny because Joy & I have never met in person, but we’re friends.

We’ve only ever connected through words–emails, blog comments, twitter & fb– but I consider her a dear friend.

She’s intelligent, creative, thoughtful (she always leaves the best comments).

We’re both the same age, though at radically different stages of life. I’m a married mom of 4, she has a significant other but no children, which makes our friendship even more interesting.

The best kinds of things are unexpected, with an element of surprise, & given out of kindness & sincerity.

Thank you Joy, for making my day brighter.
