Life Lesson: Importance of You

I was outside this morning, looking for things to photograph.

At first glance, I discarded the idea that I’d take any pictures of these roses.

After all, it’s the middle of June & roses are in bloom, but these roses are on their way out.  They’re imperfect.  It made me sad to look at them.  Once fresh & bright, now dying.  Withered.  Is it just me, or is there something a little tragic about this dying rose?

After looking through the lens however, my perspective changed a bit.

I love how the color fades a the tip of the rose petals.  You get the feeling the rose earned that.  Kind of made me think about how as people, it’s our experiences that give us color & depth. Authenticity & a lot of beautiful imperfection.

It’s got me thinking.  What makes us unique?  What sets us apart.  You know, the age-old questions that never let up:  what’s my purpose in life?  Why am I here?  What do I, little old me, have to contribute?

If you get thinking too much about it, like I do sometimes, you’re apt to get overwhelmed.  Like, “who cares what I do?”  I’ve often fallen into the trap of thinking, “If I don’t do ____, it’s okay, there are so many other people out there who will.”  It’s easy to focus on flaws or have-nots or to assume we don’t matter enough to count.

The truth is, you do.  I do.

What is it that makes you, you?

I don’t know if I know how to answer to this fully myself, but I can give you some ideas.

Are you the kind of person who loves a challenge?  Do you like people or would you rather go solo?  What gets you excited to get up in the morning?  What surprises you about being a friend, spouse, parent?

For me, I love the idea of a new day.  I love early mornings & the sense of a fresh start.  Optimism, or the belief that this day will be better than yesterday, is at the core of these joyful mornings.  I do like challenges.  In fact, if I’m not challenged enough I get depressed.

I love to connect with others, but at the end of the day, I want it to be just me & Joseph.  I never knew what kind of mom I’d be before kids, but now that I am a mom, I’ve pleasantly surprised myself with the unexpected joys of holding a little person close & teaching them how to do things I myself, once thought were impossible.  These emotions, experiences, & qualities are a unique combination that make up who I am & why I’m significant.

You know, I guess photography is a lot like life.

Sometimes you see a rose, or a person, or yourself, & think, “eh, that’s a withered piece of work.”

But then you put on your lens, start shooting, & you realize, “Hey, that’s beautiful.  I kinda like it.”


Have you ever looked at someone or something (maybe yourself) & discounted it at first glance because of appearance or sterotypes?

What is it that makes YOU unique?

Do tell, I can’t wait to hear.
