green smoothie burnout during pregnancy

With my last pregnancy, I drank a green smoothie at least once a day, sometimes more. There are lots of variations: kale, spinach, chard, or some other green, add fresh or frozen fruit, some ice, blend.

For some people this is an easy, convenient way to get in a lot of raw greens and fruit.

With this pregnancy, I just can’t do it. I cannot, for the life of me, even look at a green smoothie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the green veggies (raw or cooked), but please, please don’t blend them up in a smoothie or shake. Or else…

I suppose this is just a symptom of smoothie burn out from last pregnancy. Has that ever happened to you? You have so much of one thing, you can’t even look at it anymore?

I suppose the main issue is, I’m pretty attached to chewing. Drinking my meal doesn’t quite cut it for me. I like the experience of chewing, of experiencing a variety of textures and separate flavors. I do like creamy, thick smoothies, though. If it resembles the consistency of frozen yogurt in any way, count me in.

Another thing I’ve found is I have to go easy on the fruit. This is where fruit heavy green smoothies can wreak havoc on my blood sugar. Often several servings of fruit are needed to make the smoothie palatable, adding a lot of sugar (albeit naturally occuring fruit sugar) which for me I have to be careful with.

If you’re a green smoothie lover, good for you. As for me, give me the veggies, and please let me chew them.
